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Contact us

Paula Smith

ISO 20022 Evangelist


Although SWIFT has created a large coexistence period for both old and new payment standards, the migration is not eased by the adoption of multiple strategies for each payment market infrastructure. Our customers have lived with the frustration of business discontinuity when the connection to their partner banks was suddenly gone. We started helping SMEs in Switzerland back in 2016 when the country was migrating ahead from the traditional ESR, DTA, EZAG, and DD standards. We worked with Six standards and implemented various financial message translators and converters that allowed dozens of businesses to keep working. We gradually added features for payment initiation, validation, transformation, invoice reconciliation, and finally Swift API integration for financial institutions.

About Us

Digintu conveys the promise of computerized innovations, boosting the prosperity of human-centered organizations and societies. Our vision is a world where access to the latest breakthrough digital technology is intuitive, immersive, non-disruptive, non-intrusive, non-exclusive, at lower costs, and for the ultimate well-being of humankind. Founded in 2016, Digintu empowers businesses and end-users with powerful digital instruments.

What We Do

We aspired to solve the challenges of bringing digital transformation to non-technical business users. Not up-scaling the non-technical workforce for future growth causes $900 billion lost to the economy every year. Today we witness a surge of digital transformation caused by the pandemic and financial/war crisis. Our team believes that the digital intuition paradigm will help cope with this trend. Our goal is to create significant economic success for our customers while empowering emotional, psychological, and social well-being in businesses and societies by building better connections, understanding, and impact through humanized transformative technology.

Our values

We optimize your payments and financial operations.


We are the trendsetter because the best is ahead.


We believe in the power of emotion and compassion.


We consistently create long-term deliverables.


We value openness and fairness because we are one.

Didn't find what you need?
We offer free ISO 20022 migration assistance.

Up to 8 free hours of consulting work.

If you decide that is not exactly what you look for - you owe nothing.

Ready to extract unprecedented business value from payment transactions?

DigIntu Tech Ltd

Hermanova 61

17000 Prague

Czech Republic

EU VAT-ID CZ05233518

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Registered in Commercial Register with the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, folder 260406.

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